The fastest and safest way to the EU E-Label for wine.

Developed with legal experts. Create E-Labels for your wines in just a few minutes, without prior knowledge and at fair prices.

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Register for now and get 3 free e-labels.

preview of an qr-code e-label for wine to comply with EU wine regulations

Talk to us

If you have any questions about the mandatory information on the wine label or about our solution, please write to us.*

*on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.

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It's as straightforward as this

Anyone in the company can use our tool within 5 minutes without any prior knowledge.

edit_squareNutritional values


Upload analysis data

Enter the known analysis data such as alcohol content, total acidity and residual sugar. We will automatically create the nutritional value table from this.



Specify ingredients

Select the ingredients you want to use in the wine from a predefined list.



Download QR code

Download the QR code of the wine and send it to your print shop. Done!

Our prices and service packages

Pay for new E-Labels ONLY. E-labels from the past years do NOT cause any costs for you.

Every E-Label is online for at least 10 years. Just contact us if you want to extend the e-label lifetime.

Test our solution without risk or contact us for a free introduction.

Example based on the Silver Package

You will receive 30 new E-labels per year. This allows you to create 30 new E-labels every year.

Old e-labels from previous years continue to run at no additional cost. You only pay for new e-labels.

The offer is aimed exclusively at business customers. The prices stated are net prices.

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Frequently asked questions about the new EU directive for wine labels

In our FAQs, you will find answers to the EU wine labeling regulation (2021/2117). We explain how to best place the QR code on the wine label and how to correctly indicate ingredients and nutritional values.

All wines produced and put into circulation after Dec. 8, 2023 must bear the label.

The following information is mandatory: Nutritional information for 100 ml. Energy content in kj and kcal (this must also be stated on the bottle label). Information on carbohydrates and sugar in grams. Information on fat, unsaturated fatty acids, salt and protein, which can be presented either in tabular form or as text such as 'Contains negligible amounts of fat, saturated fatty acids, protein and salt'. The list of ingredients, consisting of grapes, sulphites and other additives and allergens. Recycling details must also be provided for export to Italy. Additional details such as alcohol content, grape varieties, quality, logos and bottle images are optional.

The legislation applies to wine, sparkling wine, semi-sparkling wine etc. and flavored wine products such as mulled wine and liqueur wines such as port. For mixed wine drinks such as wine spritzers, the general food law applies. These are therefore not affected. Caution: in the case of Austrian "Spritzer", we have heard differing statements from winegrowers. They said that the control authorities had instructed them to state the nutritional information and ingredients here too, as the wine content is 50%. Unfortunately, the information currently differs from country to country.

Here, the winemaker has a choice: either the information on nutritional values and ingredients is printed on the label, or the information is written behind a QR code as a so-called 'off-label solution'. With the latter solution, only the QR code with the heading 'Ingredients & nutritional values' and the calorific value need to be printed on the label, which saves a lot of space. Other information that must appear on the label, such as the statement 'contains sulphites', remains unaffected by the new regulation and must continue to appear explicitly on the label.

On the label, in the web store, as well as on catalogs and price lists with ordering options. You must make the information available to consumers wherever consumers can purchase your products. This means on the bottle (for purchase on the store floor), in the web store and on price lists with the option to order.

No. Regulation 2021/2117 states: 'After the date of application of the new labeling rules, existing wine stocks should be allowed to be marketed until exhaustion. Operators should be given sufficient time to adapt to the new labeling rules before they are applied'.

Yes, Regulation 2021/2117 currently only applies to the entire European Union.

The label must be available online for between 3 and 10 years, depending on the quality level. Our service includes a standard period of 10 years, which can be extended on request.

For non-bottled wine produced after 8.12., the same information must be provided as for bottled wine.